Instant Field-Aligned Meshes paper and standalone tool
Nov 17, 2015 by CGP Staff
Researchers from ETH Zürich, CNR-ISTI and Università dell’Insubria have devised a new remeshing method that optimizes both the edge orientations and vertex positions in the output mesh. The algorithm produces meshes that naturally align and snap edges to sharp features, and can process a variety of input surface representations, such as point clouds, range scans and triangle meshes. It executes instantly (in less than a second) on meshes with hundreds of thousands of faces, enabling new types of interactive workflows, as well as processing of extremely large meshes and point clouds, with sizes exceeding several hundred million elements. Download the standalone application from GitHub and find out more on ETH Zürich’s website.
Very nice application, thanks for the pointer! Fantastic not only to see the publication but also the implementation, congratulations to the authors! The only thing I found missing right now is a symmetry constraint.