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PhysXpainter 2.0 released
Kinematic Lab has announced the release of PhysXpainter 2.0, its instance painting tool for 3ds Max that runs a simulation after releasing the mouse button to allow objects to fall, interact and pile up naturally. This is a significant update with several new features and workflows, including:
- Improved overall performance.
- In previous versions, you could provide a low poly version of an object to speed up the simulation. In this release that’s no longer necessary. Assets can be optimised automatically and non-destructively. It is also possible to modify the optimisation from a custom modifier or from the Source Objects tab.
- The UI has been improved.
- A Colliders list has been added. It’s now possible to paint over multiple Collider/Ground meshes.
- Mass editing of the Assets and Colliders list is now possible.
- New select from scene buttons are added.
- Now allows for undo and redo.
- Data is now stored in a PhysXPainter Helper object.
- All in One Paint brush with many handy shortcuts.
- New Drop Brush allows the user to create a drop of several objects in a pile with a single click.
- Faster paint, even over a lot of meshes.
- Distance value now based on the assets volumes, it’s now more adaptable to different scene units.
- 3 Forces: Gravity, Attract and Explode.
- Strength parameter to adjust the Attract and Explode Force.
- The Attract force can be adjusted during simulation.
- Option to display the simulation state as wire color, or keep materials.
- Position and Rotation Axes ratio locks.
- Changes to asset management – items can be converted to instances or copies, you can choose to display the original mesh or the low res version used for simulation, and there are significant Speed improvements on the attach functions.
- A new physics tab allows the user to control on the ground collisions and add custom Gravity and Global Gravity Acceleration values.
PhysXpainter 2.0 start from €50 for a node-locked license. Floating licenses are also available. Find out more on Kinematix Lab’s website.
You can tell when a tool is done by a developer that is also an artist. Great and very useful production tools once again from Clovis.
Very solid update, cannot wait to try it.
Plugins from Clovis are probably the finest, very finest apps in the history of Autodesk 3dsmax. They are so well-thought and designed, useful and supported… it can be hardly done better.
The update is free btw… that’s what I call service!