3DS Max 2019 released introducing OSL Shader support, new shape booleans and more
Mar 21, 2018 by CGPress Staff
Updated 21 May 2018
Autodesk has officially announced the release of 3DS Max 2019 which should be available to download on 22 March 2018. In addition to new features including OSL integration, a new procedural wood material and spline booleans, for the first time, Autodesk worked closely with 3rd party developers to ensure that many popular plugins are compatible upon release. You can see the full list of developers who will have compatible plugins ready for Max 2019 on Autodesk Area.
Significant new features include:
- A new OSL Map and built-in support for Open Shading Language including the ability for users to use existing shaders or author their own OSL maps.
- A new Shape Booleans tool that enables users to use boolean operations on splines. It uses the same UI as the recently updated mesh booleans features.
- A new advanced procedural map for creating wood textures with outputs that support a PBR workflow.
- A new Shared Views feature that enables artists to publish a model or a selection online directly from within 3DS Max. Could be used for communicating with collaborators and receiving feedback.
- Improvements to Alembic support to make it possible to preserve more data channels when transferring animated or static data between DCC tools.
- Improvements to extruding and bevelling workflows so that the normals are now respected when multiple faces with shared edges are at different angles. If you prefer the previous behaviour there’s a new extrude angle parameter to switch between the new and legacy behaviour.
- The Renderable Spline modifier has been updated with the ability to correct twists plus the ability to quad cap and round the ends of open splines.
- New options for project folders so that users can create new folder hierarchies based on recent projects, use the default structure, or create an empty project with no existing structure or hierarchies.
- To improve security executable code and MAXScript files have been signed with digital signatures.
- New features in 3DS Max Interactive (a separate download) including the ability to edit your levels in virtual reality, a new smart placement tool that works in both the viewport and VR, live linking of transforms between 3DS Max and 3DS Max Interactive, the ability to convert 3DS Max’s photometric lights to Physical lights in interactive including IES files, and a new template compatible with Oculus and HTC Vive systems.
- Fixes to Civil View workflow including updates to all Civil View materials to generate renderer agnostic Physical Materials and the New Sun/Sky positioner
- As part of the Alembic workflow enhancement a few issues were fixed including being able to save over a file already referenced in 3ds Max.
- Fixed the redrawing issue for the Composite Map – Blending Mode drop-down list
- We also made sure that in most cases, 3ds Max 2019 won’t steal focus from the desktop while starting up.
- Several other areas of improvement include viewports, fluids, file I/O, MCG, and Splines.
Mads Drøschler's OSL shaders demo
i don’t think it’s meant to be public.
funny how for years we begged for any tiny insight in the upcoming features and always recieved a “public traded blah blah” response. and looky now.
pleasure to see it would be one lf those updates that are useless to me. still, good to see development is at steady pace as it can only motivate the competing software that i am myself using.
*so insert adsk hate here, now and always.
Interesting there is no mention of Arnold or real-time GPU rendering. Oh well.
Arnold has a separate release cycle and help system, see Arnold for 3DS Max Release Notes.
when they dropped mental ray and iray i moved my rendering over to Blender and Cycles with GPU.
There’s also Cycles for max if all you care about is that.
So you will be happy to pay for max and arnold in rental to use cycles?
I see a lot of negative votes… but no actual comment or reasoning on this LOL
Do you prefer to have fewer rendering options just so you don’t have to pay for your software?
Why do you think I have fewer rendering options?
We have Corona, Vray, Octane, Cycles, Renderman, there is a team working even on Arnold integration, and we have a few more render engines that I don´t remember right now… where is that “fewer rendering options” that you refer to?
And we have now the new viewport that can be used for rendering too, check this video:
So you are saying that the VRay/Corona and Octane integration of Blender are equal than the Max one?
So yeah, fewer rendering options, because they aren’t full fledge and capable as the 3ds Max versions of the same render engines.
And I was just being ironic because your comments about paying for Max to use free-cycles seemed weak. A Max user can user whatever tools he likes to use, just like the Blender user can as well.
If you reasoning is that he rents Max and Arnold and ends up using Cycles, he must be crazy or unhappy, I could say the same about a Blender user renting VRay/Corona/Octane/etc. 🙂
So… the Maya implementation of those render engines is also giving fewer rendering options for Maya? then C4D has less rendering option? Why in the world would anyone render with something that is not max?
– Corona, pretty good implementation, based on Corona standalone, what is the limitation?
– Vray, pretty good implementation too, custom blender build, some limitations apply here, but I don´t know that limitations well enough to name them, if you can, please, go ahead, I would like to know.
– Octane, AFAIK pretty full fledged
– Renderman, awesomely well made
– Arnold, Under development by an independent group not related to Autodesk, and though for production.
– Cycles… ehem…
Why my comment seemed weak?
The thing is that if you are happy paying for Max + Arnold, why do you want to use Cycles? Isn´t Arnold such an awesome render engine? Why does someone like Steve Gilbert may want to shift their work to Cycles?
(Arnold is an awesome render engine for some production types BTW, I won´t sat the contrary, but not for everything and the license is the problem, as always)
But in the end… do you own and use ALL those render engines that you have as an option? (of course you cannot OWN Arnold…)
When a studio picks a render engine, usually they stick to that engine, and they may change if something disruptive enters the market, like Corona did some time ago, but I assume that you think that Cycles is behind all the render engines present in Max, and you think that Cycles is comparable to the mental ray implementation in max, that was crippled to the bones (you could not even render volumes), I´ll let you with that idea, if you think that… then it should be true, like saying that Blender is crap for production, that should be true, with the exception that only a few of you (people who critique the idea of replacing max with Blender) deal with something that is not Max or Maya for the day to day tasks (not doing some specialized FX with Houdini I mean) and you think that those two are the best tools in the world, you live in a bubble, and people going outside the bubble is realizing it, and in our case we choos Blender, free and with all the source code for us to modify and customize for our needs.
I know max very deeply, I know max like if I were it´s father 18 years working with it in every kind of production you can imagine give you that, and I know Maya to a very high degree, not as much as max, but very well, and I know Blender, can you say the same to objectively make a judgement about the three packages?
Well even knowing all that I had to do a research for ourselves to do the shift choice, and it was a lot of work.
Do you repeat what you heard or do you say what you actually really know?
Rendering options… that is one urban legend I also heard when I did my research to pick a software to go, people said the same as you, the reality is a pretty different one, but hey, we just have Cycles, and, amongst others, a pretty crappy render engine that no one uses… Renderman, right?
And let me add… Cycles is such a bad render engine… it delivers so bad quality… you cannot work with it… or I may be wrong, maybe you can tell me if that is actaully true or not since you seem to know Blender´s available render engines and integrations very well.
BTW do you know the one only render engine that is not comparable to any other and we actually DON´T have in Blender?
I dare you to answer me, there is one, and I miss it, but… do I have a solution for it? I´ll answer to both things in the next chapter! hehe
I guess we can disagree here and it’s fine.
P.S.: I’m rooting for Blender, because I actually like it.
I don´t understand what “rooting” means, sorry, English is not my native language 🙂
On the other hand, I find rather important to clarify this point, because as I said, after some research I´ve found a lot of solutions for rendering with Blender, (and I did not mentioned some here)
And it´s important because this is one of those things that people accept as a true when they just read it from someone, it´s not true, we actually have a lot of options, some of them are different? Yes, but the key thing here is that we have options, and that Cycles is a full fledged render engine that is being actively developed, designed for production, with support of the latest technologies, and if you want, as a “safe” point, Bretch, the main developer and creator of Cycles works Arnold and he is basically a genius, so, that is an important thing.
With Max we were using Corona for everything, and despite the fact we have Corona in Blender, we don´t use it anymore because Cycles has been able to replace it with no problem at all.
But of course we can agree to disagree 🙂
cycles for max not supported in max 2016 my last version before i dropped subs
While not as much as I’d like to see; the shape Booleans, and quad cap with spherical ends on splines are welcome additions that I needed. I’ve also been using Bercon wood for ages for random projects. But it has its quirks and bugs of its own that will never be fixed, so a built in procedural map will hopefully result in me not having to install Bercon maps on all of our workstations and nodes again.
Hopefully the 2019.x releases will come with more additions.
Have to admit I’m looking at that shape booleans feature in envy.
There is a new script from SplineDynamics that does just that.
Hard to compare a one-off script like that vs animatable booleans with dynamic filleting, though.
Thanks for the tip – I hadn’t come across them for some reason, looks like they have some nice scripts.
What it does? Dont missinform. As I know this script is not doing any boolean operations, with automatic filling. Correct me if Im wrong.
I wasn’t expecting the exact same workflow/feature. Here is the help doc for the script but it doesn’t seem to be in the store yet (a bit ironic maybe). http://www.splinedynamics.com/spline-combiner-manual/
Is the Spline Dynamics Boolean operations procedural?
I’ll put something together tonight showing our new Shape Booleans. I think you will like what it can do. I’m just not sure I can show it until tomorrow. 🙂
Sounds good, I can imagine some cool uses but looking forward to your demo. It looks like the spline dynamics tool isn’t modifier based so I guess it’s not procedural?
It’s a compound object like the boolean tool
Doh, of course!
I hope there is a lot of development behind the Code for stability, Performance and Memory optimisation. Way more important than half baken Features which are always behind plugins Tools.
Ehm.. I hope they have something useful lined up as well.
VR Interactive mode sounds like a fun gimmick, but highly useless in real production. OSL shaders are probably useful for some but do not sound like a major selling point for a new release. The rest sounds like features you find in scripts etc.
The most useful new feature I can see on the list is the updated Alembic system.
VR is based in a dead package, as dead as Composite was dead, and they said it won´t evolve anymore, will see…
Ooops, they did it again.
The comments are always interesting. Not going to defend ADSK, but I’d not want to be on their position.
If you developing some long desired features (some on the top of the user voice) then people say “don’t add features, fix the core”. If they do some of that that (as it was for the release of 2018), people say “sorry, this looks like 2017, what’s new on it?”
Haters gonna hate, but I, for once, am very interested in how OSL will pay out. This opens the door to many new things to come for Max shader wise, makes maintenance of new maps easier, and custom mods of existing maps (or write one from scratch) more accessible than it has ever been on Max. If this was the ONLY thing ADSK had put on 2019, it would already make it a very interesting release, but they didn’t stop there.
Could it be better? I agree. Could they have fixed or implemented that feature that affects your workflow? I guess they could. So go to the user voice and vote for your wish or make it and gather support. Afaik they are actively looking at it and really implementing the wishes from the user in a much faster pace.
haters eh? when you use such a phrase to denigrate and disregard any critique it can go the other way right?
so buttkissers gonna buttkiss, how bout that? shoelickers gonna shoelick? pick your choice.
im on the peanut gallery and am just slinging bit of dirt their way. its semi-fun.
you need to understand though that the critiques do not come solely from less than stellar features but the context of the maintenance, autodesk policies, pricing and straight up extortionate methods of ramping up yearly cost cumulatively in order to corral their customers into the subscription prison. the bare faced lying is what is really insulting: trying to sell you on giving up your permanent license for a 3 year discount, all while not being able to make a single concrete argument for the rental-only system.
i am seeing people defending them and thats fine, but i am betting these are studio employees that never had to pick up the actual tab for the licenses, nor ever think about stuff like that. from that perspective – sure, i´d be probably fine with adsk.
dont care though since i am more than happy with my other software.
suppose i am a hater that comes to hate.
Yes… you are… LOL
(just in case is not understood… I was being sarcastic…)
Well look at that, did someone get triggered? Did you actually read my points or the “haters gonna hate” made your sight go red?
I pointed that:
1 – “Not going to defend ADSK”
2 – The moving targets and large community the devs have to cater for (Add features VS Don’t Add Features, just fix bugs)
3 – They could probably have done more and better.
My points stand even if you completely ignore the “haters gonna hate” bait. But you sir went the extra mile to respond 🙂 Funny thing is, I agree with your points on subscription, policies, etc, but you gotta draw the line and understand that people being excited about features they wanted on a software is not “defending” ADSK. If you want to mix things up I guess you should make it on a separate thread where these issues are the focus, not one which is discussing the launch of a software.
And glad you’re happy with “your” software. I’m glad with whatever gets the job done, on time, on budget and with the desired quality, be it Blender, Lightwave, Hammer, Houdini, C4D, Max, you name it. You are not forced to use any one of those (unless you live on a communist regime where free market does not exist).
I’ve often wondered why they don’t just save some of the updates from the previous version for the next major release and save themselves the routine backlash. Why add Bifrost as an update feature in 2018 only to bring a procedural wood texture as a new feature in 2019.
Whats the difference? They do a new SDK fix on every major release, and add new tools when they are ready.
Only procedural wood texture? There is a complete OSL integration! Is not something I will desire a lot for max, since I use maps quite a few, BUT this is one of the biggest things that happened to max since the implementetion of pflow, and tons of users will see a drastic change and exponential new possibilities only whit this.
The difference is you won’t get the usual backlash that comes with every major release.
I’m only looking at this from the marketing side. OSL and wood textures would definitely be extremely useful to some users(I’m personally excited about the shape booleans), but features like Bifrost generate way more excitement for the product.
The point I’m trying to make is that for the past few versions the added features from updates have be more exciting than what you get in the major release. If they had released this as 2018.5 and save whatever they have planned for the updates as 2019 they might not get as much complaints as they usually do. Just my thoughts.
Why not? I don’t want to wait for another year.
In actual fact the point releases have always been early preview releases [that were only available to maintenance customers], and the full feature release is in the next version, so if you take BiFrost [Max Fluids] as an example the first release in 2018.3 it was further updated in 2018.4 Arnold development is on going and updated like a 3rd party plugin, other features received updates such as scene converter in 2018.1 and again in 2018.4 and each point release has lots of the fixes and tweaks to existing features, that thing everyone asks for fix this, fix that….
Would you rather wait twelve months for full feature updates or incremental changes, refinements, adjustments and fixes? I’ve used BiFrost a lot in the 6 months its been released, but if your preference is to not then i guess you could not install the point releases, or even ask ADSK not to release them by making it a feature request on their feedback portal…
I moved my rendering over to cycles in blender, I still make stuff in 3ds max 2016 but i’ve moved on.
GPU rendering now.
Octane 4 will be free for users up to 2 GPU. That might be a good option depending on your workflow. 🙂
But no network rendering 😛 may be good for lonely freelance, but there is cycles…
I have to admit that the AI denoiser in the new Octane is pretty impressive.
20/month for the proper Octane with more GPU, etc is actually quite cheap.
But for 20€ month do you get network Nodes?
I was just stating that the free version is cool and have it’s uses, but limited ones, but it could be useful for freelances that use external renderfarm services
In case people haven’t noticed, max2019 is set to release on the 22nd, so in 2 days!
I might play with it when released, but I’ve always waited for about 6 months for a couple patches to go by before I use the latest release for production.
Unless they have a huge update for 4k displays! I’m kind of hindered by UI bugs caused by moving to 4k monitors. For example; when the Unwrap UVW Editor is opened, all of the icons and text for the modifier in the command panel go crazy and overlap everywhere, and I can’t click a quarter of them. I had to ditch my 3rd monitor (which was for my browser and email and not even used for 3ds Max) because it made 3ds Max completely unusable being that it was 1080p and Max freaked out that I had a mix of resolutions, whether it used it or not. Resulting in editors and windows would open up outside of the monitors, or would move around on the screen all by themselves when I clicked buttons. They would appear different sizes, even the top main menus would appear different scaling from each other when you select them. They blame it on Windows, but I don’t seem to have the problem with any other program.
Par for the course really.
Here’s something more official: Meet 3ds Max 2019
Hey guys, I compiled a couple of shaders to illustrate some of the possibilities with the new comming OSL shading in max 2019. I had so much fun in the process.
that looks great not gonna lie.
A couple of shaders… LOL. That video shows very well what OSL is about. OSL is a HUGE addition to max, but other features, like spline booleans if people saw them in motion they will be impressed as well.
I like the idea, and its very nice to have. but if it works like the normal boolean tools in max, I’m not having high hopes of stability and production reliability. I’m all for new things though! I’m also not personally paying for a max license, which probably helps.
Can you comment on speed and compatibility? When I used an OSL shader with the VRay’s implementation of OSL, it was unusably slow when used on several channels (diffuse, reflection, bump), and didn’t work that well as a mask with VRay blend. I’m hoping now that it is now part of 3ds Max it is faster.
Edit: When I say compatibility, how does it work with 3rd party render engines like VRay…
There was tests with vray, arnold, scanline, all working fine. And the cool thing is you can open your osl map in blender or cinema 4d. Use some of the NEW 100 OSL maps that come with 3dsmax, or download any of the 10000 existing ones,… or create your own.
Awesome examples Mads, thank you!!
WTF, so this is all you got Autodesk?
Can someone tell Autodesk to stop making tools so complex and so poor friendly for artist-oriented minds?
I really appreciate the effort of the developers. This is not a developers problem, this is ahead of staff that set the direction of the upgrades problem. An entire year subscription only for that?
Wow, Autodesk you did it again, one more time !!!
What’s the problem?
Have you used it?
even he don’t know what is it exactly,just he imagined lol
Since you mention a year of subscription, here’s a summary of what was added in project updates that year as compiled by Alex Jupp:
Model Assist
Scene converter improvements
Arnold Renderer (that’s a pretty big one)
New MCG Operators
3Ds Max Interactive
Lot’s of Fixes and tweaks
3Ds Max Batch
MAXScript improvements
Freehand Spline
Spline Influence Modifier
Spline mirror Modifier
Spline Morph Modifier
Spline Overlap Modifier
Spline Relax Modifier
Optimize Spline Modifier
Influence Helper
Path Deform Modifier (Complete overhaul)
Normalize Spline Modifier (Complete overhaul)
Other Minor Spline-related improvements – 2019 builds upon that with realtime animatable Spline Booleans, spline-end capping and twist improvements.
Lot’s of Fixes and tweaks
Fluids (huge new feature)
Motion Fields and core-level motion vectors support
Arnold Update
Lot’s of Fixes and tweaks
3Ds Max interactive Updates
Fluid Updates
3Ds Max Batch updates
Scene Converter updates
Importer improvements
Lot’s of Fixes and tweaks
Thank for the list I’m pretty aware of all that, I love when you put Arnold as a new addition LOL. So when Octane 4 come out free for the first 2 GPU you will be clapping with your ears and you will thank Autodesk for that right?
And the Lot’s of Fixes and tweaks that a feature since version one ! haha
May I remember you the summary of features of Houdini 16.5? I just want to warn you that is a pretty long list, just in case you want to check it out…
Even Maya had better and bigger feature list of updates every year and still, there are people defending Autodesk from his behavior. I guess that they get what they pay for…or not 😉
I checked H 16.5. It doesn’t have much for me since I do other than FX.
Because the ‘Fixes and tweaks’ tend to be the small features and options that don’t get their own mention on the New Features page and are in a way something like the ‘Improved’ items on the Houdini list they, too, are worth mentioning. I don’t like Autodesk but I really do like the product and people behind it and it feels plain wrong to see the work of the devs denigrated like this.
If Octane ever comes bundled with max as a first-class citizen, sure, I’ll be happy to do so. Only the ear-clapping part might be a bit too hard for me 🙂
Seems that you miss this part of my comment: “I really appreciate the effort of the developers. This is not a developers problem”
I indeed did, sorry about that.
I like OSL its so powerful ! welcome 3dsmax to pro lookdev world !
do people actually ask for OSL? also why use OSL, when you have substance designer.
OSL and Substance is apple and orange. OSL is not just abour procedurals.
The question is… how fast is that OSL implementation, because the main problem of OSL is that it slows down the render speed
You might want to check the more in-depth OSL in max intro: 3DS Max Integrates OSL
Thanks Adam, I´m just curious, I´ve not seen any OSL implementation that don´t comes with some loose in speed, and I´m curios on how has it been implemented in Arnold.
Especially with Arnold, OSL-only shader networks will be in some scenarios faster than native 3ds max maps, especially if you’re using procedural OSL shader in place of a bitmap-based map. Of course, common sense rules apply, you can also create complex node networks or computationaly intensive OSL nodes and make the rendering slow down to a crawl, that much is true with any feature.
So the key thing here is to keep the shaders relatively light, like with UE or Unity, and if they are not mixed with native shaders, the computation would be faster?
That is good to know, I´ll do some tests regarding this on Blender, the main problem for us is that for the time being OSL cannot be executed and interpreted in GPU, is not impossible, it´s just there is no a clear and clean way to do it, will see what Marcos and his team can bring up to the table when they release the GPU support on Arnold, thanks Adam!
HAHAHA I comment this about OSL, and again, two negative comments… but no answer… haters gonna hate LOL
Well no one tries to answer because they know you can’t be bothered. In short – it’s way slower and worse than Blender. Be happy now.
I don´t think so… the implementation in Blender is crap, and it only works with CPU LOL
You think I´m a zombie because I show good things about Blender, but I´m not blind, Blender has bad things, is just that they are way less things than Maya or Max, specially if you know Max to the bones and you discover how well things work outside it!
I CAN be bothered, no problem with that, what I say is that if you don´t like my critiques don´t follow upo with the comments, but hey… if you want, I´m all for it, as I say I´ll always answer in good mood 🙂
You can see it in action here. https://www.fxguide.com/quicktakes/3ds-max-integrates-osl-gdc-day-1/
The render team did a great job on implementing it IMO.
edit: Oh sorry Adam. I didn’t see your link before I hit post. 🙁
Thanks Coven!
Hi redwood
maybe because Arnold already had an OSL integration
or because OSL is/becomming an Industrie Standard
or because OSL is good for data exchange between applications (if they have OSL integrated). I mean, it is free it is open, so everybody could integrate it.
Just my thoughts
Best regards RoH
OSL do a lot of things that people requested, and much more. -For first time you can program your own map from scratch directly on the map editor. Or open any new map that comes from 3dsmax or you download and change it for your needs.
-Myself I was requesting more noise maps in max. With OSL we have like 10 new fractal noises, and there are hundreds more to download and choose from.
-For first time in max you can drive materials with geometry data. Do you want to use the wireframe color value where your material is applied to drive the blend between two maps? NOW you can do it.
-You want to use Custom Properties to drive whatever value in your map, so you control your material from your object and per object? You can do it.
-Manipulate uvs scale, rotation, position, giving random offsets per object? Easy with OsL! Select 1000 instances with the same uvs, apply one single material, now all will look different.
-Math operations, new blend modes, a digit counter to debug your material,….
All this, I dont thing its a “small” update, and its only ONE of the news in 2019.
I’m not sure why some people bring up complaints about commercial software (vs. free), complaints about Max’ price or Autodesks move to subscription. This post is about the features that were added since the recent release. The posts about pricing or the rental-switch you’ll have to look back 1 or 2 years. (oh, and don’t get me wrong, I hate the high price, as well as the rental system, as well as Autodesk’s attitude – but I like Max 🙂 )
My opinion about the features, OSL is great. I wish support for some open formats would also be added to particles and point-clouds, this is quite “Autodesk-formats-only” at the moment.
The other ‘little’ improvements are welcome, because the big thing is only as good as it the small parts it’s made of.
And counting all the features from the recent update since Max’18, I’m happy with the development. Thanks to the Max-team !
So… since the abuse has been going for 1 or 2 years it should not remarked… great, we´ve all got used to the abuse! Let´s congratulate us for the abuse!
Do you do the same with things that are more “tangible” and near you in your society, family or city? When an abuse keeps going on you just accept it and let it go looking away?
And this time I´ve not been the person that remarked this topic here, I just asked a question regarding to why use Cycles in max paying instead of using it on blender for free, I say this for the haters of all this topic…
The topic keeps coming back because it is still an abuse, it is still a problem at for a lot of us it covers any kind of update with clouds, I have always the same question in my mind, and that is if people defending Autodesk licensing pays for their own licenses or not, and specially if they are in the old subs system or if they are in the new rental system, also, please, US users, think that for us, Europeans, is like if the subscription price were 500$ for you, not 300$.
Now, let the negative votes come here!
I think its natural that a post about new features will raise this issue in one form or another, since Autodesk’s implementation of the rental model is such an awkward fit for many micro/small businesses. This frustrating situation is only aggravated by useful new features! But in my experience the fear of missing out only lasts a few days.. and I’m happy knowing I can live without. 🙂
What does the new OSL map bring to the artist who can’t/don’t want to code?
Interesting info. I always was annoyed that the Max procedurals would not display in the viewport properly. I’m gonna have to start using the Slate editor more often now to really take advantage of OSL.
Heads up, that page needs a spell check run on it. 🙂
How about a simple UV lattice tool, like MAYA has had for eons? Soft selection alone doesn’t cut it!
What does this sentence mean?
“boolean retain non-planar faces 3ds max”
I saw in this movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoNILcoJtmQ
On the new booleans introduced on max 2017, you get a retriangulation on nonplanar faces. Now on max 2019, you have a checker to avoid that and keep original mesh without retriangulation.