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Blended Box Map plugin now available
Oct 19, 2015 by CGP Staff

Image by Vladimir Koylazov
Chaos Group’s Vladimir Koylazov has incorporated the suggestions given by various artists and the Blended Box Map plugin is now officially available for 3DS Max and V-Ray users, with many useful options. The news has been very well received, check out the blog post from Canadian artist Neil Blevins, who has been advocating for the development of such a plugin for more than 10 years, and a video by Austris Cingulis from Viscorbel, showing the plugin at work. V-Ray users can head over to Chaos Group’s forum to download the plugin. (Registration required)
Source: Vladimir Koylazov
i thought it wouldn’t be bound to a particular kind of rendering engines. seems for the vray people only
I haven’t had a look myself, but why is it for vray people only?
I thought it was just like an auto planar map / blend setup? What is Vray specific about it? maybe the blend nodes?
frankly i don’t see why it should be neccessarily vray specific – he just seems to have coded it this way (as a texture map) thereby cutting the rest of us off which is sad.
@Artie Providing additional value and an advantage to their users is and should be their primary concern. It’s hard to blame them for not going out of their way to make it available for everyone.
It has to be a texture map for proper blending.
If you want to just setup UV, then you can try my MCG.
But, as a modifier it can not do proper texture blending.
thanks, i’ll give it a go.