3DS Max 2018.2 released with new spline tools
Aug 30, 2017 by CGPress Staff
Autodesk has announced the release of 3DS Max 2018.2 with several new features, including:
- 3DS Max Batch to automate tasks using MAXScript or Python and to deploy 3DS Max on the cloud.
- A new Freehand Spline tool that allows you to sketch freehand splines in the viewport.
- A new Spline Influence modifier to create a soft selection of spline knots based on their proximity to specified objects.
- A new Spline Mirror modifier to duplicate a spline along a specified axis.
- A new Spline Morph modifier to blend between different shapes using progressive or blended methods.
- A new Spline Overlap modifier that detects self-overlapping splines and adjusts the displacement of the intersections.
- A new Spline Relax modifier to smooth out splines by relaxing knot positions and/handles.
- A new Optimize Spline modifier to reduces the number of knots and adjusts their handles to optimally reproduce the original spline as closely as possible.
- A new Influence Helper to easily select vertices and apply proximity based falloffs to effects.
- Changes to the PathDeform modifier so that it now works in object space and can also push materials onto the geometry based on the materials applied to segments.
- Improvements to the UVW Unwrap modifier
- 30% improvement in conversion times for CAD imports
- Viewport performance improvements
At least this explains why spline tools disappeared from the Boomer Labs site earlier this year. A bit of an understatement in the “available in an earlier form” when it really is Autodesk acquires plugin and incorporates entire feature set (with some other bug fixes we’re calling improvements) into a point release.
Actually we worked with Matt from boomer labs to increase and refine the toolset, so no it was quite a bit more than a simple integration. He was developing it along side the development team.
All tools from the plugin has been rewriten from scratch, and improved on many levels. I think if you was already a customer of this plugin you will be more than happy with improvements done.
I was missing improvements on pathdeform, now has all what I wanted and more.
Optimize spline works like magic, its amazing how well reduce huge number of points on paths recreating the only needed bezier curves.
And I think on the list is missing the normalize curve. It goes for something superbasic that was not able to go under 0.1, to a very customizable modifier that will handle anything.
I see this new incorporations very useful for people working with cad files. But for us on vfx we see a lot of potential on that!
There were many improvements and new functionality from the original SplineTools plugin that was a direct result of this partnership. It was a great collaboration effort, and frankly, without Autodesk’s direction and support much of this would have never seen the light of day.
Ahh nice, that plugin was on my wishlist so good to see it in Max!
3ds Max 2018, Update 2 release notes are here:
Thanks! Added to the article.
Nice update! does anyone know which section did we performance improvements in viewports?
“A new Freehand Spline tool that allows you to sketch freehand splines in the viewport.”
Can it really be called “new” since it was in 3D Studio DOS? I always wondered why they removed that feature and why it took 21 years to bring it back?
I don’t think you could draw projected splines on meshes in 3D Studio DOS.
You was still able to handraw splines on max, via maxscript, but not on geometry!
Congrats guys, finally something useful!
Really great point release. Can anyone provide details on the “Viewport performance improvements” ?
Too bad they haven’t addressed yet to the composite map bug. I use composite map alot to mix texture map and not be able to use it force me to stay at 2016.
Ouch. Autodesk is apparently unwilling or unable to provide a fix.
So 2ooo dollar per year to get the great boomerlab splinetools plugin back?
To be fair, this year for your 2000$ you had UI improvements, Arnold integrated, Overhauled MCG, edit motionpaths directly on viewport, boomerlab splinetools (and improved), 3dsmaxInteractive, background batch processing/scripting, and a longer list of small things. And its less than half year since we had 2018, so we still can see more updates. Not looking bad at all to me.
Aha. And cutted Mental ray as a main render in animation for now.
Added Arnold as a half-eyed parrot in 3ds max.
Very good release. So tell me – WHY Autodesk every year adding a 100% senseless tools.
You can not make happy everyone. For me, that I was using vray. And tryed a lot mentalray without success, the addition of Arnold is priceless. I dont have a farm, so for me the change is really beneficial. For vfx also Arnold is really really good. I dont need to convince anyone, simply try it.
Has some things to improve for sure, but to me the change from mentalray is huge, and finally I can deliver nice animations with max out of the box, where before was impossible or very difficult.
Oh, and can you tell me why you consider a huge overhaul on all spline tools a 100% senseless tools?
Everyone wants different things to be added on his software. What you call senseless can be very super useful for others. And other way around. I think improving basic tools like that is the best 3dsmax can do, and not adding fancy, shinny things that can be nice on a video presentation but will not be used at all on production.
I’m said about previous release, as for to spline – it’s a good update, one of 100 at last 5 years.
Max just need a REALY update of ALL present tools from scratch. It will be a good reason for pay to AD.
Sadly new Path Deform modifier full of bugs and useless until will be fixed 🙁
I believe the issue you are experiencing with there with the scale is noted in the release notes, so they are aware of it. Hopefully to be worked out in the next release.
“Animated knots in the Driven Rotation and Scale for PathDeform modifier do not currently update with the time slider.”
For the issue at about 1:30, this workaround might work for you. Toggle the amount by clicking the up or down arrow to change it to 0.99, or 1.01. Then tap the other arrow to return it to 1.0. Do not type in the value to 1.0 or it won’t work, you must use the arrows. The animation should play back smooth. If it doesn’t, leave it at 0.99 or 1.01, this also prevents that flipping of the end.
Thanx for reply. I hope it will be fixed.
Flipping end also can be fixed if delete last row of polygons…
Please join the beta and log any issues you might find. I’m not sure I’m catching everything you might be wanting to pint out in your video. Ill be looking into items so we can improve on the tools in upcoming updates as well.
“Useless” seems a bit strong.
I was expecting something else.
Good point release, kepp it up!
“full of bugs” because 1 example, seems more strong and exaggerated.
So… if Maya release a new version with a couple of plugins as new features is great, but if it’s Max then it’s awful.
If Modo release a new version with only minor bug fixing it’s great, but if Max does it it’s awful…
And so on…
I’m starting to see a pattern here
Internet, and haters, long history. Autodesk is the only company that work for money, all other companies only take care of his customers and want to do an amazing product even if they loose money.
I dont know how we arrive to this point, where we had 2 point releases in less than half year where on my opinion are solid, and with interesting news, and we have 30 comments with hatters who they even dont use the tool, maybe is autodesk media department, not taking sufficient care? Maybe its funny to blame and hate? No idea.
I like and use 3dsmax and I like what I saw last 2 years, looks interesting to me to update again.
I guess people are passionate, so it’s more like they’re disappointed or even angry.
All these millions, all these years of investments and we feel the software is slowly put on the side.
The meanwhile you see Blender’s development with Eevee and you wonder…
Now I love 3ds max but I feel they’re asking too much for what they offer. I’ll stick to my 2016.
I get that people is passionate. Is something for what 3ds users are known and its good.
But seriously. Arnold 5 years ago was the most incredible renderer. 3dsmax was going to be kill next because was the only software without arnold support. Now, we get a newer one, integrated in max included on the price, and everyone hate it or dont consider like a good addition. We had 2 point releases I consider very good. In one we get a total game engine, (yeah myself I will never use it maybe, but for all archviz can be very good). And on this second one we get a revamped splines with more than 6 new modifiers with improvements on other ones, on a thing I found very useful that are splines. And people complain. (!) Seriously what other software has this spline tools incorporated?
Yeah eecee looks amazing, and having RT dof/moblur/reflections on viewport is the new trend, but for me, Im more interested in improvements in other areas that will be not so “shiny” but that will improve my day to day work. Having volumetrics on my viwport can be very “wow”, but I will prefer having a robust spline tools, or robust modelling tools, or robust particle system, and a robust viewport capable of displaying millions of polys with thousands of objects without problem.
this release is Spliney.
Good bunch of useful tools here.
So… if Maya release a new version with a couple of plugins as new features is great, but if it’s Max then it’s awful.
If Modo release a new version with only minor bug fixing it’s great, but if Max does it it’s awful…
And so on…
It guess it doesn’t matter anymore (at least for me) 3Ds Max is just history.
With luck with that,
When I use other softwares I miss so many things from Max that I come back to Max inmediatelly.
And there are so many features and workflows from Max that are missing in any other DCC that it would take them 20 years to catch up with Max.
Plus, most companies doing 3D use Max.
More than 1 million Max active licenses…
Please can you enumerate the most important things you miss when you go out of Max to other packages?
Maybe time to install Max 2018 now? Just need to make sure all of my other tools are ready for the jump from Max 2016.
Hey Juan, as a blender lover I can tell you for sure that there are indeed things that Max does amazingly, that does not mean that Autodesk´s behaviour can be justified or that there cannot be criticism, but there are things that are just undeniable.
-It’s proceduralism is not just convenient, logical and intuitive, it also is getting better and better in the last few releases, few people realize the power of an edit poly modifier piping a procedural operation to a selection from the stack, the fact that you can access the vertex data as channels but mantain all the operative simplicity is really great.
-The way materials are decoupled from objects but conveniently referenced by them let’s you conveniently do some scripting magic that I found a lot harder to do in Maya.
-even with all it’s faults, as an out of the box particle system, particle flow lets you do so much so easily.
-touching again on proceduralism, the selection system on the stack is such a great tool, and now there is the data channel modifier added to de mix, that is raw power right there.
-MCG, yeah I know, not widely adopted, slow at times, etc, but I redid the scatttering plugin I made for my office with extra features in a day.
There are obviously a lot of problems with the software for sure, and these are just a handful of the things I miss when I leave Max (Which I have to do more and more these days), but it is unfair to deny Max’s strenghts and to pretend that everything you do in max you can do just as easily in every other software, I would love for max to have bendy bones like blender’s, but I would also love to have vertex maps like morph targets in blender decoupled from the mesh.
As Micky said, you can’t always get what you want…
but sometimes you get what you need 😉
This. The one of the best post on MU in many years.
I like your fairness.
Hey Animatect
While I understand what you say, those things you named are not showstoppers, being a person that have worked and tested max for more than 11 years I´m very well aware about all that, but when I asked Xerges about that, was not to criticize but to understand what was the things that he was missing, because while I understand that in max there are several good things, I also think that none of those things are so capital that could force a person to stay with max, if that were not the case Maya would not be so widely used.
So in general the main thing an artist lacks when goes out of it´s main package is willing to investigate and understand the new package, everything you said is true, but it has different workflows in different packages, from C4D to Maya and Blender, all can be done in any of them,ç.
Of course there may be tools that you miss, in our case we were missing a tool as simple as “Modify Pivot Only”, and in less than a few days, because I have not dedicated more than one hour per day or so, without having touched Python in my life, we already have that tool inside Blender.
While I agree with you in the proceduralism weak point, I disagree in the “Edit poly” advantages, because “Edit Poly” is just a modifier that creates a full copy of your mesh in memory, but I could agree in the advantages of Poly Select for example, but then again both things can be done in Blender (or Maya BTW), there is an addon (free) for Blender that gives you something similar to Edit Poly, and you have vértices selection sets, wich I found far more useful than Poly select and far more flexible and stable, but that is only my opinion.
The thing here is that there used to be “showstoppers”, real ones, that differentiate max from other packages, now they are not, you can do whatever you want practically with any package, and as of today people are happy because they get a bunch of spline tools that are available in other packages since ages, please guys, this is another purchased plugin, yes, it´s been improved because Autodesk paid their developers, but for how much time? Do you remember CAT? It was going to be the future of animation in max, they paid it´s developers and even hired one of them inside the Max team… how much has it evolved? Where are those devs today?
Now…. Eloí… or you understand the anger of the people wrong, or you distort the reality so it benefits your way of thought, sorry for being so hars but all that you said is a half-true:
Arnold: the problem was not Arnold being integrated, the problem is that with max you acquired unlimited network licenses of it´s streamlined render engine, mental Ray in that case, and now all of a sudden you have no render licenses at all and you have to pay for them… there were entire renderfarms built up against that benefit of max, max was chosen by many companies mainly because that ”feature” in several occasions, and mental was the selected render engine because of that leverage, the problem is not the change to Arnold, that could have been a pretty good change, is that they are removing something they advertised and something for what we paid and that we acquired with max, unlimited network rendering, and they did not even tried to soften the hit including 5 or 10 network render licensee, instead they included 0… so the problem is not Arnold, you may want to see it or not, but the anger is not because Arnold.
Game Engine: A game engine that no one was using, tied to a rental licensing scheme? Yes… then you need a new build supporting the new iOS release ( wich breaks iOS compilation in Unity and Unreal almost in any update, and even in some point updates of the OS) and in two years you will receive nothing because… you know.. composite… Combustión… Softimage… and many other things.
A game Engine is not something you can choose easily if you are serious about programming, and if you are not… well… Unreal can easily beat that game engine for viz… and now with Vray integrated, so not really a leverage but another situation were Autodesk throws max users some piece of software they think is garbage or failed with some pretty marketing to convince them about the theoretical benefits of it, were in reality was zero effort by Autodesk part, and a real insecure choice for any programming, but hey, you can see it as “Hey! Why do you complain? You got a game engine!” That is like, hey you did not asked for oranges, but take this orange, even if you don´t want it and what you needed was to be able to have a bunch of grapes ( grapes being render network licenses).
And finally, what packages do have such spline toolset?, I´ll investigate but I´m pretty sure all those things can be done with other packages, and I´ll investigate Blender specifically, because the thing that amazed me the most from Blender is that it can do so many things that people think only Max or Maya can do, and it has so many tools that people ignore completely that while I can´t say that it has all those tools, what I can say is that I will investigate and tell you something back.
And BTW barely no one was complaining about this when you wrote your post, even I refrained myself and was silent until you posted, there I decided I was going to answer XD
Hey Juan, I’m really glad you are happy with Blender, It’s a great software, It’s come such a long way since I first tried it.
Now, I think you might be a little misinformed with some of your statements, I’m really not trying to sell anything or get into a huge argument but the point is that good new features are good news and I’m really glad with the new features Max’s been getting 🙂
Btw, regarding editPoly… check “animate mode” and “get selection from stack” on the modifier, it becomes a procedural paradise.
I have to agree that the simplicity of the modifier-stack(in combination of it`s solid reference/instance-system) is still 3dsmax greatest strength. The Datachannel was such a logical and natural extension to it, i hope they expand it`s capability even more.
And I agree with that fact, Inace not said that the spline tools are crap, itˋs a good addition, my answer was about the part were you enumerate a few things that you think are the best part of max, and I´m not saying they are not but that in other pieces of software there are different workflows, for example max stack that you all love, I hate it, it´s a linear workflow not memory optimized and very limited, if you have always worked with Houdini you will understand what I mean, but it´s just an opinion.
The only real problem max has is Autodesk and it´s abusive licensing scheme, it’s pretended new features that are more marketing than real features with a future, the removal of features we paid for (not just network rendering, do you remember reactor? it was super useful… now you have physx that don´t work most of the time so you need an external plugin that you have to pay for), etc… , that´s it. It’s not that max all of a sudden has become something awful after a lot of years working with it.
Imho, those branching node systems are an inherent failure in current DCC apps. They shove you complexity in the face first place instead of being a refinement stage. Meanwhile users kid themself into thinking that this is what makes those applications ‘powerful’
But hey, that`s just my opinion.
It`s exactly those ‘linearity’ and ‘limitations’ that makes this concept so powerful.It abstracts from this node coplexity under the hood, it`s easy to understand and simple to use. And abstraction is what is dearly needed in this overload of technology that comes down on us with every new release.
You enjoy clicking your nodes together? Really?
Yeah, it`s so ‘powerful’ isn`t it?
The thing with proceduralism and nodes is that it´s not simple at first sight, but it is simple indeed, is something like learning to read code, and working with them is damn fast.
I don´t understand what you try to say with that link to the ripple help page, I assume you don´t understand that you can stack several of this and make them react with different things and have different behaviour, yeah it´s a bit more complex than a modifier in max, but it´s A LOT more powerful.
A node workflow allows you to reuse your work a lot more, allows you to have a clearer view of what is happening, to reuse parts of your work, save little node groups that could be reusable and that you could share with others, limit what a different artist in a different stage of production can do with the asset you give them, etc…
Linearity is not powerful at all, is limitation, is bad execution and bad resource usage, have you wondered why max is so badly multithreaded? Is because all the architecture behind that linearity.
Linearity makes things easier and simpler, but not more powerful at all, you want simple? Ok, I want to be able to achieve more in less time and more efficiently.
I said they are a failure when favored first place. Because in my opinion this adds an uneccessary complexity to the workflow where a simple and straight forward approach would let you reach your goal faster and more efficient. Current apps especially in the FX area tend to give you tools, emitters, deflectors, converters, ect to build your effects. Instead the (work)flow should go from effect as a simple entity to manipulating parameters and finally to node networks as a final refinement when needed.
What i tried to say was that the more linear and simple stack-based approach would get you faster to the 95% stage.
“I don´t understand what you try to say with that link to the ripple help page, I assume you don´t understand that you can stack several of this and make them react with different things and have different behaviour, yeah it´s a bit more complex than a modifier in max, but it´s A LOT more powerful.”
This is exactly where our opinions start to differ i think, because i ask myself why i should have to do this at all.I think the artistic goal would be to have a ripple effect that can react to colliders and have some falloff. To create perhaps rain coming down on a lake and creating all this nice ripples. Why am i confronted with a complex interface to accomplish such a mundane task?
But perhaps this isn`t needed at all? Can i drop the ripple effect on a plane, select some colliders and THEN move to the node-network if necessary?
If yes, this would already act as some kind of abstraction to a complicated workflow.
“Linearity is not powerful at all, is limitation, is bad execution and bad resource usage, have you wondered why max is so badly multithreaded? Is because all the architecture behind that linearity.”
You can only efficiently parallelize something if you can split a task in sub-tasks that you can process independantly from each other. If you make nodes dependent on each other and node A has to wait for the result of node b to continue, all you parallelization goes to hell anyway.
So how much of the grade of parallelization comes from core architecture of an application and how much comes from more a granular approach of multithreading the node itself?
“Ok, I want to be able to achieve more in less time and more efficiently.”
Oh, i want that too. It`s just that our methodology differs.
Oh man you are funny. Now was a bad decission to move from Reactor to physx, integrated as modifiers and rigid bodies tools, integrated with pflow, with procedural control, procedural joints,… and bullet integrated in MCG? Now all this is a bad decision because Reactor was much better? You are hilarious.
We get you dont like autodesk licensing system, but this shouldnt make you disagree and fight saying everything is better than 3dsmax on any autodesk related news. Houdini is good for a lot of things, we get that, blender is good also and free, we also get that, cinema can be very good for motion graphics we agree, If you use this ones and not 3dsmax anymore, we are superhappy for you, you are great. But let the 3dsmax users enjoy one small news about the software they use.
Understood and we agree to disagree, it´s just we see things differently
Really? you think MassFX is as powerful as Reactor was????
Can you simulate oceans with collisions in a simple manner? Can you simulate ropes? Can you make things float in water?
Yes you can use Particle Flow with the plugins Autodesk bought, I was there, but then if you think all those additions were so great, why do you use TP for your work instead of the fantastic pyshics tools that max brings you?
Come one, the removal of reactor was a mess for a lot of small artists, it was easy to do fast simulations of several things without complicating too much (speaking about the simplicity Meli was bringing to the table) and when everything changed for MassFX all we get are rigid bodies half baked with the lack of a lot of tools Reactor had, Ractor was not the best physics engine in the world, but it was far more complete than MassFX and far more stable and predictable.
Can you name how much simulations can you do with particle flow and MassFX being that simulation stable and predictable? Barely anything serious, try to stack a bunch of cables done with particle flow, like if they were noodles, but making those noodles with the sides animated and connected to other objects, and after that you tell me that MassFX and Particle Flow is better than Reactor, when I was able to do that with reactor without a problem, and with MassFX is impossible, I had to go to Maya and use Ncloth to simulate that, it was an impossible thing to do in max…of course I could rent Thinking Particles… but we are talking about something I was able to do in max without paying for other app or plugin, something similar to what happened to network rendering, we were able to freely render in our network, and now we don´t…
well, we are going quite out of topic here, but I guess is always whats going on with any autodesk related news.
I use TP because, is more suitable for my needs, I use a lot pflow, and here is used also in production to solve fast some shots, is very fast to setup.
I tried what you described, I dont see any problem, physx is fast, and stable. Only thing I will say is that glue is a rigid joint, and will be good to have more types of joints, but… what you described is 100% doable. if you have problems normal thing is to solve it not blame it so fast.
Reactor core was really outdated, and out of autodesk devs contronl, Im totally sure if we had still reactor you will be complaining about… who knows, to dont have an opensource solution and be dependent of external companies I guess.
About splines, they are great!
Hey juan, I love Houdini, that is in fact my favorite package 🙂
My first boss was a wizard on it and I used for the first 5 years I worked in toronto and Montreal.
Sadly when I oppened my first business in Mexico I did not consider every aspect of production and it crashed and burned.
The problem was not only that my managerial skills were not the best to say the least, it also was that I was thinking as an artist, with passion for the software I wanted to use.
With time came wisdom (I hope) and a few manegement courses later, I’m running a successful business in part because when we made the switch to max everything got simpler, from hiring people to meeting deadlines on a thight schedule or budget.
On a test case like that having the flexibility of max’s workflow is much more efficient than the best managed resources 🙂 brute forcing some hardware is sooo much cheaper than constantly inducting rotating staff into the wanders of the node graph or trying to coordinate with freelancers.
My point is, when you choose a package there are more things to consider than the features page on their website.
clients want pretty pictures, they could not care less about how these are made.
Agree with all that, and that is why we changed to Blender, simplicity and efficiency, we teach everyone that works with us to use Blender, and they love it when they learn it, the learning process for a max or maya expert takes around 2 weeks, after that the person is up and running at full speed in Blender.
It´s hard to hire Blender experts, except for animation, Pepe School Land made an awesome job teaching good animators, but for other jobs it´s hard, but it´s easy to hire max or maya people willing to learn or work with Blender.
But hey, the main thing here is not that max is crap, I think I said it before, max is not crap, it´s just it became a platform for plugins in the hand of a company that is slowly retiring features and forcing people to acquire plugins or additional licenses, like with Arnold.
In the end what Autodesk wants is to remove your desktop software and make you pay for a remote access to use their software in the browser, hence if you donñt have internet you can´t use the tool, if you connection speed is slow, you are out of the game, if you don´t pay, you can´t work.
And what I´m saying here is not something made up of my mind, their plans were made public sometime ago by themselves.
Do you like that future? Well it all started with the rental licensing scheme and it will end with you not being able to install max or maya or whatever tool you want in your computer and having to use it remotely.
You like it? Good for you, I don´t want to be in Autodesk hands and put my business in risk because so many factors like an internet connection or like the Autodesk willing to rise prices whenever they want, because they will, they also said that, and Autodesk users won´t be able to do ANYTHING, because if you don´t pay, you don`t work.
So be greatful about the new spline tools, but be aware about what this does means for your future, it´s not about splines, it´s about fair business.
Check this news here:
Yes, he said in 2 years, they were not able to do it in so small amount of time, but that is the plan, and it has been publicly announced, do you like it?
Stay with Autodesk.
Removing MR was the one of the top requests from the users.
I have had seen many many many many post to remove MR from all over the places.
I know 0 company which uses MR in last a few years.
Getting at least useful Arnold is far better deal than useless unlimited MR.
BTW, VRay did exactly same thing when they move from version 2 to version 3. What’s the difference?
If you don’t like MR – just don’t use it. Vray NEVER will be in 3ds max.
Corona to. Artrender – senseless as a quiqsilver render.
MentalRay one of best render. But as always – AD do it in the worst way.
“A node workflow allows you to reuse your work a lot more, allows you to have a clearer view of what is happening, to reuse parts of your work, save little node groups that could be reusable and that you could share with others, limit what a different artist in a different stage of production can do with the asset you give them, etc…”
How is this exclusive to node-workflows? It might be more granular, i will give you that. But also more complicated to author, more difficult to debug and maintain.
The biggest issue I have with 3dsmax isn’t the software. Its Autodesk not willing to sell me a seat. I would give Autodesk $3500 US right now if I could buy a current license. I’d even pay extra for a subscription, just like the old days. I simply refuse to rent software, period. So I’m stuck on 2014 which is still very good for everything I need. AD is driving me to look at Houdini and Blender, and so far Blender is getting better and better, especially because of Blender4Artists, https://www.bforartists.de/
Anyway, I truly wish I could upgrade…
where we can download ??
Were you can download any Autodesk product update:
I would like to see something of the simplicity of MAX2AE from Boomerlabs in 3DS Max, is there anything like this?
as I remember they integrate something similar in max 2013 or so. You have a connection between 3dsmax and AE for cameras, planes and lights. you simply need to install a script on AE that comes with 3dsmax.
Yes, there was such a thing, but last time I used it I had some problem using it with AE CC because it was supporting up to CS6, right now I don’t know it’s status, maybe it’s updated or maybe it is abandoned, I don’t know, but there was such a thing for sure.
I think it was scene states? Or State sets – something like that. I do remember it but it was hideously complicated whereas MaxX2AE whilst not the smoothest workflow between the two programs, did the job perfectly. I can check it out again but I would love to see Max2AE’s simplicity integrated in Max.
I don’t have a problem buying this plugin (It’s not my money I’m spending!) but licensing it and updating it with each Max version gets to be a pain!
The only one that works properly is the max2ae plugin unfortunately. The built in one uses states sets which is a pain in the ass to use. After some major issues with it i never touch it.