Abstract announces the launch of InstaMAT
Abstract has announced the release of InstaMAT will take place on January 24th, 2024. InstaMAT is a new software package aimed at scalable 3D content creation that integrates various technologies into a unified, scalable workflow.
A range of features are included, such as asset texturing with layering and 3D painting workflows, AI, advanced 2D image processing algorithms, and procedural modeling. It incorporates several key components, including InstaMAT Studio and InstaMAT Pipeline. InstaMAT Studio serves as a tool for procedural material and asset creation, offering scalable texturing and data-driven asset pipelines and includes an extensive library of nodes and materials, catering to professional needs. On the other hand, InstaMAT Pipeline simplifies tasks like rendering materials and executing Element graphs, thereby enhancing asset pipelines. Additionally, InstaMAT offers a fully integrated experience for major digital content creation tools such as Autodesk Maya, Autodesk 3ds Max, Blender, Unity3D, and Unreal Engine. A 64-bit C++ SDK is also available, enabling developers to integrate InstaMAT technology into their own software.
It is currently available for PC Windows and Apple MacOS, with a Linux version expected in 2024. At launch, InstaMAT will include a rich content library with over 1000 3D materials. An online library for sharing and downloading materials is also planned.
Visit www.instamaterial.com to find out more.