Auto-Rig v1.08
Apr 14, 2015 by CGP Staff
New features in Ludovic Habas’ advanced character rigging and animation tools include:
(Since last reported)
(Since last reported)
- Compatibility with 3DS Max 2016
- Add symmetry tool
- Add system to add any objects on the rig objects list
- New spine system, faster, no freeze in the Track View
- New shoulder system
- Add mirrors options for FK chain
- Add tooltip and undo on the symmetry tool
- Better spine and curves
- Add interactive auto-hide for IK/FK
- Add undo on FK/FK options
- Change the form of the maters for more visibility
- Add messages and options to lock/unlock the shapes
- Unlock all the shapes controllers when you generate a rig
- Add functions in extra tab to unlock or lock the shape controller manually
- Added option to add a FK Spine
- Added an option to make the shoulders completely independent compared to movements of the pelvis
- Added function to delete intermediate bones
- Add snap options for the master
- Add scale parameters on the StretchBend
- Add option to limit the StretchBend
- Add function to add manually the “Transforms options” on a selected controller
- Added delock joints