Blender 3.5 released
The Blender Foundation has announced the release of Blender 3.5. New features include a GPU-accelerated viewport compositor, support for sculpting with vector displacement maps, 26 built-in node groups assets for hair grooming, faster rendering of scenes with many lights in Cycles, the ability to import and export USDZ, improved EEVEE speed on Apple Silicon, support for non-uniform spot lights and less noisy area lights in Cycles, new animation curves tools, new UV and modelling tools, faster OBJ export, and hundreds of bug fixes, performance, memory improvements, cleanups, refactors, and more. See a full list of what’s new on the Blender website.
So, great update again but I really miss the light link and something like clip geo. And in someway people in Blender HQ are very resistant on some features requests.
There are great news for you, Light Linking is under active development by Brecht and Sergey, it MAY or MAY NOT land with Blender 3.6, if it does not reach 3.6 it will probably be ready for 4.0.
there is already an experimental build with it.
Great news. Let’s see what comes out. Thanks Juang3d
Fast developing for a free soft.
Wonder why no one use it in professional field. Maybe lots of stuff to catch with still.
Big companies are definitely using it, just don’t expect it to replace Maya anytime soon for animation for example. As a complementary tool, it’s definitely there.
Because it comes with some weird things like the inability to use a Non-US keyboard for example. It’s the only software in the world i know of that has that kind of limitations. Basically the solution people offer in forums is ” Just buy a Qwerty keyboard” or “Just buy a new laptop with an english keyboard“.
It’s the kind of things that just doesn’t give a “professional” feel, but “hobbyist” feel instead, even though it is becoming a very capable software in some areas.
I’m using blender with my french keyboard for 2 years now !!! Absolutely totally innacurate …
I think it has more to do with big shifts in industrys being slow, blender in its current state is relatively new so it’s mostly a matter of it having time to ciment it’s place.
Blender was used to make the bagels in the 2023 Oscar winner movie.
“Desom: The bagel scenes were challenging. We would shoot practical elements and test them against CGI to see which way was better. We photographed real bagels on strings painted black. Ben used Blender to develop a CG version of the bagel and we went with that one and it was sort of a big surprise in the movie because it really looked as real as if we had photographed it. “
From school of motion website
Bagels made in blender… i thought was a joke about some recipe.
Blender is being used in more and more small and mid studios, I can mention one that has made public their useage of Blender for full productions, B-Water Studios is actively using it for several productions (and has already used it with success).
Apart from that studio, I teached several studios and their artists personally, mainly to shift from Max or Maya towards Blender, and while they are actively using Blender already I cannot disclose their names since they have not made the change public themeselves.
BTW one of the main reasons the studios use to justify their shift to Blender is not that it’s better or worse than Max or Maya, in general they fell that is equal, with some things a bit better and with some things that are not there yet, but their main reason is the absurdity of rental licenses, at first they accepted it, after some time it has made clear that is a Win-Loose situation (Autodesk wins, studios loose), and they don’t want to be in Autodesk hands anymore and depend on rental licenses and constant expenses instead of investment.
Another studio that is using Blender, and up to my knowledge will use it for their next 2D movie, with grease pencil is SPA studios, what I know is that htey were going to use grease pencil for everything except their color pipeline because they have a very solid and stablished workflow for coloring with Toon Boom Harmony.
I also know another BIG studio that allowed their artists to use Blender, while it’s not their main tool in the pipeline, it’s already approved and used by several artists where it’s possible to use it.
In the end Blender is taking professional space at giant steps, more every year, and that is good news in general for all the artists that are flexible enough to learn blender and not stay steady in one softwar, and of course is good for Blender users, more usage, more users, more development, it’s a wheel in motion with so much inertia that while it remains under strict quality control and with a solid development plan, will be hard to stop.
BTW that solid development plan is what makes some features to be presetn a bit late to the party, like LIght Linking, that does not mean that the features won’t reach blender when they are important, but the focus is to provide solid features and the target is that the case of “Manifold Extrude” won’t happen again (the worst implementation that could be made of that kind of tool TBH).
No native full support of USD , materialX and Hydra delegate for cycles are the main missing pieces. Once they catch with this there would be little reason for Blender to not be accepted in any modern pipeline.
All that is under active development 🙂
Yep! But as for today, there are only bullet points on a roadmap. If they manage to provide a bifrost USD or solaris equivalent using “all nodes” I feel Blender could have quite an edge starting on vfx pipelines with Houdini as the core DCC.
No, they are not a bullet point on a roadmap, if you go to devtalk you will see talk and if you see the cycles meeting reports you will see how this is mentioned, you can see some info here:
As I said, all that is under active develpopment 🙂
On the other hand I doubt Houdini will be the core DCC, mainly because it’s not very good at the generic tasks (not that it is bad, it’s just that it is overly complex), non-node based tasks, also it’s complex to find experienced riggers, modellers and animators in Houdini, and for Maya/Max artists to learn Blender is easy, usually it takes like 1 week to be working, and about a month max to be working at pace with the adequate person guiding them.
What I see in fact (and it’s not an imagination, it’s already happening) is Blender as the core DCC and Houdini as the core VFX tool, that is already happening, but in general the studio accepts Cycles as the render engine, one awesome thing that will Hydra and Material X bring to the table is the hability to use any Hydra compatible render engine without having to go through the rout of a Python slow implementation like right now 🙂