Software > Cinema 4D > Plugin News | Software > Renderers
Cinema 4D to Arnold plugin released
May 15, 2015 by CGP Staff
Solid Angle announced the release of C4DtoA, the Arnold plugin for Cinema 4D, which has been polished thanks to extensive feedback from its beta-testing program. C4DtoA supports most Cinema 4D features such as instances, cloners, deformers, generators, MoGraph geometry, hair, and ThinkingParticles. It also supports both animation and single frame distributed rendering in Team Render, allowing the use of all computers in a local network to speed-up Arnold rendering.
Third-party plugins TurbulenceFD and X-Particles are natively supported, allowing artists to render high quality smoke, fire, and particle effects with fully interactive feedback. Other features include volume rendering with OpenVDB, a node-based material editor and a comprehensive list of shaders and utilities, including vertex maps and per-face materials.
A trial version is available for download. More on Solid Angle’s website.
Third-party plugins TurbulenceFD and X-Particles are natively supported, allowing artists to render high quality smoke, fire, and particle effects with fully interactive feedback. Other features include volume rendering with OpenVDB, a node-based material editor and a comprehensive list of shaders and utilities, including vertex maps and per-face materials.
A trial version is available for download. More on Solid Angle’s website.