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GeoTracker for After Effects in free beta
Keentools has announced the release of GeoTracker a new 3D object-tracking plugin for After effects.
Some of the features include the ability to load custom 3D models and track them; 4 built-in 3D primitives: cube, cylinder, plane and sphere; the ability to export tracked objects as 3D and 2D Null layers that can be linked to other layers or passed through to Element 3D, Cinema 4D, particle generators, and more; the ability to estimate camera focal length; the ability to handle reflections and occlusions or in challenging cases use 2D masks to exclude problematic areas from tracking.
Find out more and download it for free from the Keentools website.
That’s great news! … AE needs now only better import/export option for Tracking/3D Trackig-Data, a modern and simple color management system, 3D Particle (with nodes), and a new realtime 3D Engine with 3D Geo, Particle, Volumes and PBR support ๐
There was a “bit” irony in it ๐
AE need to be able to render a basic 32 bit file without dying or crashing, it also needs a proper exr workflow. AE still needs A looooot of things before we get to tracking.
What are you talking about? I’ve done over 20 projects in ACES in AE in the last 3 years. If you forgo the built in CMS and just go with OCIO the workflow is much easier and faster than in Nuke. These days all my projects are constantly in 32bt. The only terrible thing in AE now is Gassian Blur still has a bug in 32bit and Add Grain doesn’t work in 32bit. Both have simple workarounds but it’s still embarrassing.
Seriously? Try exr workflow and apply a few effects on it and then tell me how it goes. Forget that the way it extracts render elements is not only archaic and messes up the gamma but it also completely goes against any decent workflow for exr i know of.
I also have sapphire and boris plugins. The amount of crashes i get on a threadripper running 256 gb of ram is insane. And damn sloooow and this on multiple machines. Tested them all for 5 years now!!
I’m literally on a 40s EXR shot right now. You mentioned extracting render elements – from this I’m guessing: 1. You’re working on a 3D comp, apparently a lot of render passes. 2. You have a render coming from 3ds Max. So 1. Choose your tools properly, AE a lot of shots with simple effects, like cleanup (runs circles around Nuke). Nuke: a small number of very complicated shots with a lot of CG layers. 2. 3dsMax and EXR – if you rendered with Vray, you’re fine. If with anything else, your EXRs were saved with a 10 year old cebas EXR exporter – the EXRs produced are not up to spec, never were, I get weird crashes with them on all software.
Oh and Threadripper – I’m in the same boat, unfortunately, loose it. TR is a very unstable platform, most of my problems and inconsistencies in the last years I managed to narrow down to the TR system – maybe that’s why AMD killed that entire platform. Unlucky us because it means it’s back to 128GB of RAM for us :/ After 20 years of working on server class workstations, never again. There are just too many problems with them, both AMD and Intel. Just going back to 128GB will be a hard pill to swallow – fingers crossed that increased DDR5 speed is going to make up for this a little bit :/
Threadripper as well… don’t experienced that much of problems in the last 2 years.,
Oh one more thing RE extractor messes up gamma???? So you’re working with EXR NOT in linear space? Because extractor extracts raw exr data, without gamma applied – that is THE way of working with EXRs. Even without extracting channels, you’re supposed to disable gamma on all source EXRs. Do you just import EXRs ike Tiffs or JPGs and just comp away?
I use vray, my projects are all set to linear, exrs are from vray. They should all come in fine i also use other comp software and they work out of the box linear workflow without issues. Yes im working with lots of elements. Extractor does mess up the gamma even when re adjusted it still has a slight gamma difference when using it and i need to compensate for it.
Cant afford Nuke, sometimes i get them through Natron, which surprisingly isnt that bad.
My crashes intensify when using plugins like sapphire and boris, cant imagine working without those since adobe like their empty shell software.
Why are threadrippers a problem? They’ve been a blessing when it comes to rendering.
Oh sh… Is Natron still being developed? I thought it died, how do you like it?
Well the case with TR is not simple. There are problems and they are very inconsistent, like you can render or even open the same project 20 times and it works and 21, 22, 23 it suddenly crashes. I always assumed it was a software problem, as all of them are buggy as hell, but I generally disliked my TR machine even though it is easily the most powerful I have. Then on some video Linus from Linus tech tips (might have been a test of new TRs) mentioned that they won’t be replacing their TR stations with new TRs because they no longer trust this platform, they had numerous weird problems on them. Literary as he said that, one of his colleagues mentioned they can’t get video out on two of the stations. Since then I’ve been doing as much work as I can on my i9 11th station and it’s been a lot more stable. Unfortunately it has only 64GB ram so yeah. So for next machine I’m planning a ryzen9 system hoping against all hope that maybe this time they’ve bumped the max supported RAM to 256, the AM4 ryzens are limited to 128 ๐
Oh and you can get Nuke Indie, it works up to a little over 4k res and it costs around as much as Creative Cloud so still much more expensive but you have to understand that CC is basically free with what they are charging. Mocha pro as a single plugin os 300eur and as standalone 1400eur! 3dsMax cost also 1400 unless you use Indie but the autodesk indie license is weird and I really can’t get a clear answer from them if I’m allowed to do individual shots as a freelancer on a movie that is worth way more than 100k EUR. It’s like there is no one at autodesk that understands that freelancers can work on big budget films :/
Natron is like a copy of Nuke same interface. Its working fine so far. Sometimes buggy but i had less crashes in it than adobe products.
Max indie is a mustery but frankly no one follows the rules. They work anyway they wish to. Autodesk doeant come knocking at small fish. They dont much care. Their lawyers will cost them more than thebpoor shmuk using an indie license to work freelance on a production.
Great info guys! thanks
jep, EXRs are linear.
Anyone been able to make it run? I get an empty KeenTools toolbar, so there is no way of actually starting the tracking process :/
Hi! the first beta supported After Effects version 18.2 (2021) or newer, in most cases, that was the cause of the toolbar issue. However, we released the second beta version this week and added AE 17.0 (2020) support. You can download it from the website and try it out. Please let us know if the issue still persists in the latest version of the plug-in. The easiest way to contact us is to drop an email to: