Latest Jobs on CGPress – 14 February 2019
Here are the latest entries posted on CGPress’ free jobs board. As a service to our readers, our jobs board is free. We will also periodically summarise the latest additions and share them on social media and in the main news feed.
- JaK Consultancy is looking for a 3D Visualiser (London).
- Squire and Partners is looking for an Architectural Visualiser (London).
- Luda Studios is looking for passionate Arch Viz artists (can work anywhere).
- Mackevision is looking for a Maya Artist (Stuttgart).
You can visit our jobs page now for a full list, including opportunities from Mackevision, Moka studio, Brickwall Films, Visualhouse, Wework, and Recent Spaces.
To advertise a vacancy (did we mention it’s free?) simply fill out this form.