Natron 2.0 released!
Mar 14, 2016 by CGP Staff
Natron development keeps accelerating. The team headed by Alexandre Gauthier has released v2.0 of the cross-platform open source compositing software, which brings a major update, incorporating features such as Python scripting support, roto painting, dopesheet editor, extensible UI via Pyside, many new nodes, etc. Read on for the details.
New features include:
More on Natron’s website.
New features include:
- Python 2.7 API
- Parameters expressions
- User-defined parameters
- Script editor to control the application overall
- User-defined python callbacks
- Integration of Pyside to the GUI so that the interface is extensible with new menus and windows
- Python API is available at
- PyPlug: You can export a group as a Python plug-in and it be re-used in any other project as a single node as you would use any other plug-in
- SeExpr integration within a node:
- New SeNoise and SeGrain nodes based on SeExpr
- RotoPaint node with Wacom tablets support
- DopeSheet editor: This is where you can control easily keyframes and clips in time for motion graphics purposes
- Render statistics: Available in the Render menu, use this to debug complex compositions
- New Text plug-in with much more controls than the previous Text node
- New TextPango node based on the Pango library to directly input Pango Markup Language (html-like), see
- Many new nodes, based on the ImageMagick library: ReadPSD, ReadSVG, Charcoal, Oilpaint, Sketch, Arc, Polar, Polaroid, Reflection, Roll, Swirl, Tile, Texture
- More new nodes: STMap, IDistort, LensDistortion, TimeBlur, OCIODisplay node, GmicEXPR (to enter GMIC expressions)
- Rewrote entirely the WriteFFMPEG and ReadFFMPEG nodes. Most widely used codecs are supported
- New merge operators: grain-extract, grain-merge, color, hue, luminosity
- New gamma and gain controllers on the viewer
- Multiple viewers can now have their projection synchronised to enhance image comparison
- Support for multi-layered workflows for cleaner graphs
- Better support for multi-view workflows
- The Read node can now read multi-view EXR files. Decoding speed of EXR has been greatly improved.
- The Write node can now write multi-view and multi-layered EXR files. Encoding speed of EXR has been greatly improved.
- Viewer: The channel selected in the “Alpha channel” drop-down can now be overlayed on the image when using the “Matte” display channels
- The RotoPaint/Roto Transform and Clone tabs now have a viewer handle overlay to help manipulating the parameters
- DopeSheet and CureEditor: The scaling interactions with the bounding box of selected keyframes are now correct but may lead to keyframes being located at floating point times.
- A “P” indicator at the bottom right of a node will indicate that a node is a pass-through. Hovering the mouse over the “P” will indicate from which input this node is a pass-through of. The pass-through input will also be indicated with a plain arrow whereas all other inputs will have their arrow dashed.
- Python API: it is now possible to retrieve the layers available on a node with the getAvailableLayers() function, see Python Reference
- Ability to write multiple channels into the EXR.
- Python: PyPlugs can now be used to create toolsets, such as Split And Join in the views menu
- New Glow PyPlug
- New bloom node
- EXR format reading/writing speed has been greatly improved
- The HSVTool node now has an analysis button to set the src color
- File dialog performances have been greatly improved
- It is now possible to list all available drives in the file dialog on Windows
- New progress panel to manage renders to cancel, queue, pause or restart them
- ReadFFMPEG/WriteFFMPEG performances have been improved
- WriteFFMPEG has now a better interface to display possible format/codec combination
- The viewer now has the ability to pause updates so that no render is triggered upon any change that would modify the displayed image
- User interface for parameters has been improved and requires less mouse clicks
- Undo/Redo shortcuts (CTRL-Z or CMD-Z on Mac) now follow the mouse over focus indicated on the interface tabs
- The curve editor has received major speed enhancements when manipulating thousands of keyframes
- The dope sheet zoom is now always appropriate, even for still images
- Value parameters can now have Python expressions written directly in their spinbox and can be used as calculators
- New Despill node
- New Reformat node that replaces the old Resize node
- More responsive playback
- NodeGraph: optimize for speed when the scene contains a lot of nodes and add auto-scrolling when reaching the border of the view
More on Natron’s website.
Simply wow!!! Long awaited but worth it. Immediately they integrate 3d, I’m dropping fusion and jumping in.
this is simply AMAZING! I used nuke for a long time, as indie I use Fusion Free. I was extremely skeptical, especially after trying first versions of Natron. V2 however has really dropped my jaw! I cannot believe the performance and features. They have done an astonishing job and deserve your attention, to at least try!
This is so great news! We’re closer than ever to getting “up there” with the big guys, without focusing on ridiculous prices for the average hobbyist or freelancers.
… Awesome! Thanks!
The pricing is ridiculous for pros too hehe
now i figure out why Foundry want to sell Nuke.