NVIDIA open sources PhysX
NVIDIA has announced that simulation engine PhysX is to go open source under the simple BSD-3 license for desktop and mobile applications. The EULA remains unchanged for applications that run on XBox One, Playstation 4, and Switch.
Read the announcement on NVIDIA’s blog and access the source code on Githib.
NVIDIA has also announced the release of PhysX 4 with several improvements, including:
- Temporal Gauss-Seidel Solver (TGS), which makes machinery, characters/ragdolls, and anything else that is jointed or articulated much more robust. TGS dynamically adjusts constraints with each iteration, based on bodies’ relative motion.
- Overall stability has been improved with reduced coordinate articulations and joint improvements.
- Scalability now allows for new filtering rules for kinematics and statics in the Broad Phase.
- Scene queries now support PxBVHStructure, which makes a significant difference for actors with a huge number of shapes.
- Infrastructure can now incorporate Cmake projects.
Read the full announcement on NVIDIA’s blog.
Great! It now makes it more attractive to work with, since now it’s open source with a great license. You now know it’s here to stay, all though it’s widely used – you never know with a closed API, some times they pull the plug and leave the users behind, so yeah – great move by Nvidia to get it all out in the open.
I hope Tyson Ibele don’t restart the TyFlow development for integrating it 🙂
poor crapvidia
when no one ever use that junk any more ,they make open ..lol