SIGGRAPH 2003 Pt. 5
Aug 01, 2003 by CGP Staff
Yesterday was the last day at SIGGRAPH 2003. These last two days were full of excellent conferences and activities to attend and, above all, it was a chance to meet some really great people from around the world. Here are a few more pics: one of Elumens’ dome shaped displays – now there’s a nice flight simulator (view image), the brand new version of Shave for Max (view image), Vladimir Koylazov conjures up a fire using Chaos Group’s upcoming Aura plugin (view image), the end of an exceptional conference on autonomous robots with panelists from MIT, NASA, Sony, iRobot and Stan Winston Studios – this sea of chairs shows the size of one of the main conference rooms at the Convention Center (view image). Other highlights of the day included a conference on “Theater and CG” and another titled “The Future of CG Education”. Not to mention Pixar’s amazing Finding Nemo Special Session. More on that later.