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Substance Painter 2020.1 released
Apr 23, 2020 by CGPress Staff
Adobe has announced the release of Substance Painter 2020.1. New features include:
- A new exporter that adds several options to customise exported textures including the ability to override per texture set or per texture, customise file format and bit depth. Presets have also been updated to reflect the most recent versions of renderers.
- Improved automatic UV Unwrapping. The feature now gives the user more control over the UV unwrapping steps including the ability to only unwrap or only pack existing UVs. It is also now possible to export the resultant mesh as an FBX file with the original triangulation and scene hierarchy making it easier to fit into pipelines without losing data.
- It is now possible to export the mesh with displacement and tesselation.
- A new RTX accelerated Curvature Baker and improve Ambient Occlusion baker.
- A new Python API
Find out more on the Substance blog.
Wow wow wow the ability to export mesh. I’m feeling like being back in the 90s. I guess a PM ordered the dev to uncomment the part of the project that uses Assimp or whatever library the use for 3D object manipulation. I am still waiting for SP to be able to export a SIMPLE COLOR MAP, the most important map of all. Guess I would need to use XNormal furthermore.
I think you need to spend more time learning the program if you cant figure out how to export a color map.
Oh yeah? Then please tell me how to export vertex colors of high poly mesh, maybe this changed since I used it recently.
I needed that for photogrammetry stuff and last time I checked I couldn’t find anything related. You are talking id map here?
Maybe you answered your own question.. why not bake a colour ID map from the high poly vert colours and then export the map from your project? I agree it should be easier to access the baked mesh maps but it’ll be in your shelf if you search for it, then right click export resource.
Or did I misunderstand?
You see… ID map associates itself for me with color coding which I can use for many purposes, in order to partition model into parts for better texturing control. Most probably it can be used as you say, but then I can’t see another ID map slot to be used if I need a color map as well. This should be out-of-the-box feature IMHO.
Ok, its difficult to see exactly what your workflow is.
It is possible to bake out multiple ID maps by running separate bakes using whichever source you need (vertex/material colour). Just rename the first ID map from the shelf or the new pass will overwrite the previous one. You could also create a custom channel and add whichever colour map there if you don’t want it in the standard base color for any reason.
I agree a pass over the UI to allow some more flexible workflows might help loosen things up a bit for non-standard PBR work.
When you are in the Export menu, Configuration, category Mesh Maps; doesn’t ID do what you are looking for? You are just baking the Vertex Colors from the high poly to the mapping of the low poly, no?
Guys, thanks, yeah this sets that straight. Still I hope there would be a default color slot, since ID map naming is counter-intuitive in that very aspect.
I don’t think you understand the PBR workflow that is used widely today. If you are using a legacy engine that takes only baked color, there are still ways to achieve this in painter.
Oh I do, I code graphics stuff. I needed color map baked from high to low poly without resorting to workarounds.
Then please tell me how to export vertex colors of high poly mesh, maybe this changed since I used it recently.