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Iray plugins for 3DS Max and Maya explained
Jan 20, 2016 by CGP Staff
NVidia’s recent release of paid Iray integration plugins for 3DS Max and Maya (with others soon to be available for Revit and Rhino) brought some confusion due to the Iray versions already bundled with those software and the lack of detailed information explaining the differences. The way the plugins were named was perhaps another factor. In a recent post on the subject on Autodesk’s Area, NVidia’s Director of Advanced Rendering Products Phillip Miller shed some valuable information clarifying why the plugins were developed and the additional features they provide. More on Autodesk’s Area.
Iray for 3DS Max plugin
Iray for Maya plugin
Source: Steve Green
okay read that…but still none the wiser about the future of mental ray or iray shipping ‘free’ with 3ds max…are they dropping it and so require subscription users to buy a licence of iray and mental in future?….clear as mud here…