OpenPose multi-person face, body and hand keypoint detection demo
Jun 26, 2017 by CGPress Staff
Perceptual Computing Laboratory has released a short video demonstrating the detection of faces, bodies and hands for multiple people using OpenPose, a C++ library created using OpenCV and Caffe. According to its authors, OpenPose “[…] represents the first real-time system to jointly detect human body, hand and facial keypoints (in total 130 keypoints) on single images”. Main features of the library include:
- Multi-person 15 or 18-keypoint body pose estimation and rendering. Running time invariant to number of people on the image.
- Multi-person 2×21-keypoint hand estimation and rendering.
- Multi-person 70-keypoint face estimation and rendering.
- Flexible and easy to configure multi-threading module.
- Image, video, and webcam reader.
- Ability to save and load the results in various formats (JSON, XML, PNG, JPG, …).
- Small display and GUI for simple result visualisation.
- All the functionality is wrapped into a simple-to-use OpenPose Wrapper class.
Face tracking
Multi-person keypoint detection