Ray Tracing Gems book now available free on Kindle and Google Play
Updated: 26/04/2019.
NVIDIA’s Ray Tracing Gems book is now available free in its entirety on Kindle and Google Play. According to the publishers the book features information about the the latest ray tracing techniques for developing real-time applications in multiple domains; guidance, advice, and best practices for rendering applications with Microsoft DirectX Raytracing; and information on how to implement high-performance graphics for interactive visualisations, games, simulations, and more.”
Original post
NVIDIA has announced that readers of its Dev News Center can get early access to the text of new book called Ray Tracing Gems. The book features “the work of more than 60 contributors, all experts in the field of ray tracing. Their articles cover techniques that are not often discussed in general texts, but are important for high-quality results”. It will be released one chapter at a time between now and 22 February on NVIDIA’s Dev News blog (free account required).