TVPaint Animation 11 is out
Feb 11, 2015 by CGP Staff
New features in TVPaint Développement’s drawing and animation software include:
- Improved UI
- Enhanced timeline
- New way to manage Color Groups
- Integrated Image Library to store your textures, model-sheets and references
- Layer Preset Manager
- You can now double (and even triple) the interface size of TVPaint for 2K and 4K screens
- New layer type: CTG layer – simplifies the coloring and texturing process
- Brush Spreading and Inlay Texture FX
- Chromatic Wheel
- Drawing Guidelines
- Warp Tool
- Line Smoothing
- Eraser tool available by default in the Tool Panel
- Anti-aliasing option is now available for all filling tools
- Flip panel allows to configure different ways to flip your animations
- Auto Break and Auto Create Frame are now layer dependent
- Faster Proxy
- Light Table improvements
- Auto Save with options
- Export .XLM format for The Foundry’s Flix
- Search Engine that allows to find projects, clips, layers and instances