Twinmotion 2024.1 preview released
Epic Games has announced a preview release of Twinmotion 2024.1. The latest update updates the core to use Unreal Engine 5.4, including its recent improvements to Lumen and Path tracer.
Two new tools are included for distributing assets in scenes. A new Spacing tool allows the user to populate assets along paths, and an Area tool allows users scatter assets within an area. These tools can be found int the Populate panel and include options for organic and regular layouts.
Other improvements include a simplified material creation process, and improvements to the AO texture input to provide better visual consistency between Standard and Lumen rendering modes.
New assets are also available, including fabric and foliage materials. The Camera settings have also been revamped for consistency and now include a Filmback option to match real-world camera profiles.
A new media type, called ‘Sequence’, allows for the creation of complex animations combining camera movements and imported animations, which are managed on a timeline. A new camera type exclusively for sequences, with features like keyframe adjustment and automatic re-timing for consistent camera speed.
Deterministic animation is added to homogenise animation sequences across exported media and improvements that make it easier to integrate Twinmotion projects into Unreal Engine without additional plugins.
For a more information, visit the Epic Games website.