Corona Renderer review
Corona Materials

Different materials configured just with procedural maps, including the volumetric one based on a simple geometry with a few noises applied to it, I used the public sample model from the Corona Materials Library website
The first time one opens the material editor and looks for Corona materials, one is probably expecting to find a standard set of specific materials and some sort of light material, especially considering this just a v1.1 version of the render engine. And you’ll indeed find this, but you’ll also find a rich collection of materials, such as the CoronaRaySwitchMtl, which lets you specify different materials for different ray types – think for example about a red ball that bounces too much red light, and that the director wants to avoid that kind of color bleeding. In that case you’ll use this material to configure the Red material as the directly visible material, but a less saturated or different material for the GI rays, or the reflected rays or the refracted rays. It opens a big world of possibilities to adapt your scene to your needs, without having to tweak thousands of settings.
There is also a CoronaShadowCatcher material that lets you integrate your characters and objects with photographs or footage. It’s Corona’s own Matte/Shadow material and it works pretty well, in various situations.
Also of note, there’s a CoronaVolumeMtl. At first you’ll think that it may render voxel-based simulations like FumeFX’s, but it’s a geometry-oriented material. It works with any geometry, so you can for example render clouds defined by geometry. There have also been examples of FumeFX simulations converted to geometry using Frost and Krakatoa and rendered with this material achieving a pretty decent result.
The CoronaVolumeMtl also allows to create volumetric fog and different effects like god rays and volumetric shadows.
Regarding the standard Corona material, it’s an easy to use shader based on the GGX model. It offers different options like volumetric scattering, translucency without having to use SSS and a few effects like rounded edges. It’s a good material that allows you to build your desired shader in no time.
Corona Maps
The list of available maps in Corona is pretty good. There are some render-specific Corona maps, and there are some which are enhanced versions of the ones that come with 3DS Max.
Corona AO: a good Ambient Occlusion map filled with advanced AO features like inverted normals exclude/include options, directionality, and some more. It’s great to create a simple AO effect and useful also to use it as mask for other textures – in combination with the CtexMap render element it gives you a very advanced Ambient Occlusion render pass.
Corona Color: I’ve been missing this feature in Max for ages. A pretty advanced color node that allows you to configure your color in different ways, like creating an HDR color, using the old HEX input to use web colors, or define the color using a temperature value. Very useful.
Corona Normal: a node to use Normal maps in Corona, useful with some normal map-related features such as flipping channels and exclude the loaded bitmap from Gamma.
Corona Output: using this map you can exclude any texture from being affected by color mapping, so it’s useful for light textures, backgrounds and many other situations where you may want to avoid color mapping in your texture.
Corona Sky: I bet you know what this is, Corona’s own physical sky.
Corona Wire: finally a proper way to render wire frame with full control over its look. This map gives you the ability to use the object wireframe as a texture: you can define whether you want to show lines and/or vertices, and you can define its aspect using World Units, so the size remains stable in the world space. You can also use pixel size, so it adapts to your output size. There’s also an “All Edges” feature that allows to show ALL the object edges; if disabled it will just show the visible edges. This map is a great tool to render wireframes.
Corona RaySwitch: this map does the same as its Material counterpart. It allows for example to define a different color for the GI rays. You can use for this for a bright beautiful orange, so that the reflection is not as bright, and define other colors for Direct Rays, Reflection Rays or Refraction Rays. In the end you can render an orange that reflects green light, it’s seen in mirrors as a red orange and can be seen in green through some magical glasses. 😀
Corona FrontBack: a simple but powerful map. It allows you to define a different color/texture for the front face and the backface of your object – useful for leaves and papers, for example.
Corona Multimap: the equivalent of the Multi/Sub-Map. A great map to use when one has lots of instanced objects, where you can define a different set of textures to each object based on different parameters. It’s great for building a forest with just one material, for example.
Corona Mix: an improvement over Max’s own Composite map. It’s limited to two maps, Top Layer and Base Layer, and one mask. But you may use multiple nested maps to achieve the same effect as with the Composite map, with the advantage that it will render more efficiently.
Corona Bitmap: a Corona-specific replacement for Max’s bitmap map that that brings rendering speed increase of 10-20%.
These are the maps available so far. As you can see it’s a pretty powerful collection that I’m sure will be improved over the time.
Render Elements

Masks can be created by specifying Object ID, Material ID or by picking objects from the scene. Materials can also be made invisible to masks while staying visible in the beauty pass, which is useful for when you want to create masks for objects behind glass panels.
The list is quite long and goes from a CMasking_Mask element that will allow you to generate an old fashion alpha matte as well as to have the RGB matte divided into one matte per channel, to the most advanced Cshading_Albedo that will allow you to debug your scene to see which materials or maps are making your scene noisier or slower.
Interactive Rendering
In my experience interactive rendering in Max (a.k.a. Activeshade) usually has had some cons in the past. The computer became slow, the scene had to be reloaded very often (which kills the interactive feeling and feedback) or the refresh resolution of the render was too low so you would lose track of the previous image to compare.
In Corona I’ve found the best Interactive Rendering experience I’ve seen so far. It is fast, especially if you use PT+PT. The big changes are transferred very fast to the engine so it does not have to start as often as other engines, and you get results pretty fast too. Also, almost all the main render engine features work in IR, so there is no difference between the IR and the final render output.
There are of course things that can be improved, for example you have to start a normal render before starting an IR session so the window has your desired output size. But I take it all these small caveats will be solved soon.