Cryengine 5.5 released with a new royalty based licensing system
Crytek has announced the release of a Crytek 5.5 preview release with a new royalty-based licensing system that includes access to the editor source code. The cost for using CryEngine 5.5 and above will be 5% of revenue, but only if it exceeds $5000. An enterprise tier is also available for custom support packages and royalty buyouts.
CryEngine 5.5 introduces more than 260 features, fixes and improvements with a focus on improving usability including:
- Sparse voxel octree global illumination (SVOGI), a global illumination technique based on voxel ray tracing that doesn’t require prebaking, bounce lights or light volumes can now run on consoles
- Several new features and enhancements to improve the terrain system, including the ability to weight and blend multiple materials, more detailed height maps, and more.
- New and legacy entity components are integrated in the new entity system, including rain and water ripple entities. A new VR Camera and interaction component makes getting up and running with VR even easier.
- Expanded ways for users to create C# assets directly inside the Asset Browser, with Visual Studio instances, debugging through the IDE, and more.
- A brand new Game Platform plugin allows for easy access to common distribution platforms and data transfer protocols. This includes Steamworks and PSN API functions like matchmaking, leaderboards, and achievements.
To encourage users to use CryEngine, Crytek has introduced a new certification program with 3 different pathways: a technical artist Certification a designer certification, and a programmer certification. Documentation and walkthroughs are also improved and a new project called “Flappy Boid” is available with the aim of teaching developers how to create a full game from scratch.
Find out more in Crytek’s press release.