Maxon One 2024.5 released
Maxon has released updates to its Maxon One suite.
Cinema 4D, Maxon’s 3D animation software, has been updated to version 2024.5. This update introduces Unified Simulation, allowing users to create interactions between various types of 3D objects, including rigid and soft objects, cloth, rope, pyro effects, and particles. The update also adds support for spring connections and motors in rigid body simulations and improves options for creating connectors between objects.
The particle system in Cinema 4D, introduced recently, now features better integration with the MoGraph toolset. Users can more easily duplicate emitters and forces using the Cloner. The update also provides improved control over particle attraction, collision, and color emission. Improved Alembic import now supports the use of particles in production pipelines.
Scene Nodes in Cinema 4D have been expanded, offering more options for creating procedural geometry. New Split and Disconnect nodes simplify the creation of effects on different parts of a mesh, while the Points Modifier node streamlines the process of creating custom deformers and remapping point data. The Outline Spline Node enables the creation of procedural spline outlines.
Redshift, Maxon’s rendering engine, has been updated to version 3.6.04. This update introduces a Distance Shader, allowing for dynamic shading effects when objects are in close proximity. Redshift native cameras are now supported in Cinema 4D’s Crane, Morph, and Motion Cameras, enabling easier creation of dynamic camera movements. The update also improves options for adjusting Substance materials within Redshift for Cinema 4D.
Maxon Studio, a new After Effects template engine released in June, has been updated to version 2024.1. This update improves usability by adding the option to select brand colors using Hex Color codes. Maxon Studio includes over 130 Red Giant tools and more than 250 customizable templates called Studio Capsules.
For more information about these updates and Maxon’s products, visit the company’s website at
Whenever you are wondering why the latest Redshift isn’t released for 3+ weeks for your DCC of choice, this is why.
Indeed. It has some long awaited features, but permanent licenses can’t be extended anymore, so for any future personal work I will use karma or cycles (in Gaffer, not Blender)
Id jump to gaffer too, but latest version cannot render VDBs with cycles. Its a GafferCycles bug 🙁