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TopoLogiK v1.11 released – retopo tool for 3DS Max
KinematicLab has released an update to TopoLogiK, its retopology tool for 3DS Max that promises a “more procedural, parametric and efficient approach”. Features since last reported include:
- Better Brush Radius sensibility, as well as Taper on Stripe tool.
- Straighten selection brush.
- Symmetry functions.
- Move Brush.
- Number of subdivs visible on each tool.
- Easily release the HighMesh from TopoLogiK.
- Show or Hide the Edges of the HighMesh.
- Show or Hide the Shader&Map of the HighMesh
- TopoLogiK UI now remembers it’s position.
- Bug fixes to the pie menu and shortcuts help window for 4K monitors users who experienced an offset between the mouse and the pie menu.
- Less slowdown on very high resolution meshes with the Create Face tool.
- The tooltip on the highmesh and retopomesh button now also show the object name.
TopoLogiK is compatible with 3DS Max 2010 to 2020 and costs €30.00 for a single perpetual node-locked license. Find out more on KinematicLab’s website.
Impressive! I’m throwing my money at the screen for a Blender version 🙂
doesn’t retopoflow do pretty much the same thing? This one looks nicer, sure, but they’re quite similar.
Pretty much but Topologic looks very fluid and interactive compared.
If only they had a little license server like forestpack.
Thanks, KL, this is how Retopo should work!
I am amazed by Clovis coding and UX design: everything is so logical and smooth, I am amazed.
Wow that looks amazing! You’ve actually made retopology look fun. From the looks of it very intuitive interface.
If this works on Editable Mesh, I’d really be interested. Right now you can’t use the Freeform ribbon tools if you use Editable Mesh as your target (you can for the object reference though). CAD imports with nPower have tons of hidden edges that are helpful for texturing and material application, and can’t be converted to Editable Poly without unhiding them and losing that feature. So I’m wondering if this would be helpful in fixing, or adding geo to already existing parts?