Former MOPA directors open new CG school in France
The crisis triggered at MOPA by the CIPEN / CCI's layoff of Julien Deparis has resulted in one of the best possible outcomes: the birth of a new school. Isabelle Aubin and Deparis, former directors of MOPA, have founded a new CG school in the nearby city of Avignon, together with teachers from the former MOPA pedagogic team. Known for the excellency of the educational programs they built at MOPA, the team is taking its expertise and years of experience to the new school, called ENSI: École des Nouvelles Images (School of New Images).
"When we saw that the school would become a shadow of what it was, we decided to create its successor", stated Julien Deparis, according to French newspaper La Provence. The ENSI team is also taking the chance to further improve the education they offer students by partnering with the University of Avignon, ArtFx school (known for their quality VFX program) and the department of Music & Musicology of the Lumière University Lyon 2. They are already receiving strong support from the industry, including Illumination Mac Guff, Mikros Image, Cube Creative, Sève Films (who used to distribute films produced by MOPA students), renowned artists, etc. (more...)
"When we saw that the school would become a shadow of what it was, we decided to create its successor", stated Julien Deparis, according to French newspaper La Provence. The ENSI team is also taking the chance to further improve the education they offer students by partnering with the University of Avignon, ArtFx school (known for their quality VFX program) and the department of Music & Musicology of the Lumière University Lyon 2. They are already receiving strong support from the industry, including Illumination Mac Guff, Mikros Image, Cube Creative, Sève Films (who used to distribute films produced by MOPA students), renowned artists, etc. (more...)
| Posted
Sun Apr 2, 2017